Lastu with custom logo

Add logo engraving to your Lastu and make it more personal.

Add logo or text engraving to your product on product pages. Upload your on product page or add your text to block on product page.

When you have uploaded your logo in upload field on product page, press Add to Cart and go to Checkout. Add specific wishes about size or location to Text Engraving -field or on Cart if needed. If now wishes, our professional designers will add your logo in the middle as they see it best.

Logo engraving file:

File is good to be be black & white logo. Use large photo like .jpeg or .png or vector files like .pdf or .ai

If you order 10+ cases to your company etc. you can use code: LASTULOGO for -15% discount. Code only works when 10+ cases in Cart.

See some examples and inspiration from these:

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